Tuesday, November 17, 2009

barasoain church

After our heavy merienda (snacks), we parted ways with Dr. Crisostomo. The researcher remained to accompanied us to Barasoain Church, an historic church where three major events happened: "the convening of the First Philippine Congress (September 15, 1898), the drafting of the Malolos Constitution (September 29, 1898 to January 21, 1899), and the inauguration of the First Philippine Republic (January 23, 1899)." Its likeness appears on the back of the 10-peso bill.

Here is a picture of the church's facade:

Here's what it looks like inside, as well as a close-up of the wooden ceiling:

Inside the church is this picture of (I believe) the First Philippine Congress inside the Church.

The attached convent, which served as the residence of the first Philippine President Emilio Aguinaldo, is now a museum. Here is Aguinaldo's carriage:

There are exhibits inside, including various representations of Barasoain Church.

This is the view of the plaza from the balcony:

On that day, there seemed to be a class whose assignment was to draw the church. See the students under the tree:

But, of course, you must protect yourself from the noon sun even while drawing.

Who knows? These kids' drawings might one day end up in the museum...

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